Crashing Through FAQ
Q: How much do you charge?
A: There is an established rate, but that can vary based on a client’s needs. Get in touch. We’ll work out what you need and try to find a price you can afford.
Q: What kind of artists are you looking for?
A: As a small publicity company, there are only so many records we can work on each year. It’s also a lot easier to work hard for a client if you believe in their project and what they’re doing. As such, we try to be selective. We’d feel terrible taking money from people to work on a project we didn’t believe in.
Q: This sounds great. What do I do now?
A: Sends us an e-mail. As a small firm, there are only so many records we can handle each year, but we respond to everyone.
Q: How much notice do you need to set up a campaign?
A: Ideally, we should begin planning at least 3 months before the release date.
Q: How long do your press campaigns run?
A: A minimum 3-month commitment for albums. One month for singles.
Q: How does a writer/editor/radio person/tv or film placement person get put on your mailing list?
A: E-mail us and we’ll send you a form to fill out. You’ll be free to unsubscribe at any point. No hassle.
Q: Do you do physical mailings of promo materials?
A: The bulk of the press campaign is handled digitally, but there are some copies available for people who only review records if they have them in hand. However, as a service to our artists, we try to keep costs to a minimum.
Q: How does a writer/record store clerk/radio person get on the guest-list for one of your artist’s shows?
A: E-mail us with your details and we’ll see what we can do.
Q: Are you hiring?
A: Not currently, but please get in touch because that can change at any time.
Q: I’m looking to learn more about the music industry. Do you hire interns?
A: Yes. Send us an e-mail. Unfortunately, there are no paid internships at the moment.
Q: I’m not ready to hire a press person–I just have questions about touring, retail, booking shows, how to manufacture my own records. Can you help me?
A: Sure. Everybody has to start somewhere. Send us an e-mail and we’ll talk.