Joe Jack Talcum at This is Book’s Music

You may know of Joseph Genaro as one of the members of The Dead Milkmen but he also recorded some material under the name Joe Jack Talcum, who you may be more familiar with. HHBTM Records has released a new compilation of his home recordings called Home Recordings 1993 – 1999, which were recordings between 1993 and 1999. I could easily say “that’s it, that’s my review, I’m outta here” but you want to know what it is. All of them are basically demos of songs he would later do or songs he ended up recording for himself, and this is a different perspective of what he has been able to do throughout his career. Most of these are mastered from Genado’s own DAT’s while one song comes from a cassette so if you want it to sound and feel rough, it’s here in all of its rugged glory. These songs could easily be adapted into new arrangements, or cover them as is and see how far these songs can go. Listen to “Call me A Fool”, “One False Move”, “The Sun Shines Out Of My Asshole” or “Another Disgusting Pop Punk Song” and give renewed life to these songs, as they are doing on this new compilation.
