Today’s vacation shot is of Devils Punch Bowl in Otter Rock, Oregon. It’s a beautiful stretch of beach known for great whale watching and surfing. During low tide, the tide pools and rocks make for some fascinating investigation, but you don’t want to be around the bowl during high tide. The water churns and foams in a most violent way. It’s really cool to watch from above. If you’re down there, though, your ultimate demise is imminent. During winter storms, the water in the bowl is known to rotate like a toilet in mid flush. How’s that for a visual?
We took a long walk from Beverly Beach State Park north to Devils Punch Bowl. Everyone was pretty tired after all of that exploration, and nobody in my family was excited to take the trek back to the park. I seemed like a selfless hero when I suggested I could go it alone to Beverly, hop in the van and drive to the Devils Punch Bowl viewpoint to pick up everyone. Truth is, I wanted to go for a run and listen to music along the way. You steal these moments when you can. Here was my soundtrack of new sounds during the jog:
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