Not one to conform to the “norm”, the dudes in the Athens’ band Muuy Biien follow the beat of their own drum. Throwing all caution to the wind they refuse to make generic sounding “radio friendly” music that is force fed to the masses. Doling out music that is loud, raw, in your face and at times sounds unfinished is how they do it and is a main ingredient that makes their music worth listening to.
Barely giving music lovers time to digest their last recordMuuy Biien has returned full force with D.Y.I., another batch of bad ass noise that is loosely harnessed with classic punk rock attitude. Listeners are lured into the album with the haunting instrumental “Cyclothymia I”before being smacked in the face by the pounding drums of “Human Error”. Blistering guitars and Joshua Evans’ screeching howl turn the track into the utter chaos that Muuy Biien does so well. On “Melters” a churning base line carries the tune creating a feel of anxiety throughout the track as if someone is chasing you and you just aren’t sure who or what it is. On occasion they ease up before assaulting your senses once again. Just when you think things can’t get much louder or faster songs like “Frigid”and “What Isn’t” show up and attack the auditory senses like a couple of rabid dogs. Which I guess could describe most of the music on this album.
From start to finish Muuy Biien’s music assaults listeners as if they have a personal vendetta against them. The songs are short and sweet getting your blood pumping and heightening the senses with each listen. Luckily for everyone the three instrumentals strategically placed throughout D.Y.I. allow you to relax and calm down. This record is very infectious and each listen is going to make you want to play it again and again as these dudes pack a big sound into a little package.