Rat Fancy at Three Imaginary Girls

As the weather warms and we shed our headphone-ear-muffs for backyard party mix tapes, the time is perfect for Rat Fancy to release their debut EP: Suck A Lemon.

Rat Fancy is ex-Sweater Girl Diana Barraza (vocals/guitar), Gregory Johnson (guitar / keyboard) and Gavin Glidewell (drums). Hailing from Los Angeles, they know a thing or two about sunshine and how to harness the power of the sun into C86-esque indie-pop.

The songs are buoyant, snarky and serve as “possibly the sweetest collection of ‘fuck you’s ever committed to vinyl.” The twee is punchy and punk’d out. As their label succinctly declares: “It’s the sound of being fucked up on pollen and sugar, skidding through a dizzy blissful spring of laughter and loss.”

The song I keep revisiting is “About You.” The “manifesto for non-conformity” drew me in with guitars reminiscent of “I Want To Be Adored” (Stone Roses) together with mischievous Kim-Deal-style-bass and nostalgic keyboard riffs – making my heart both swell and swirl.

The EP releases May 26, 2017 on HHBTM Records (order it!). Note the limited edition option of color vinyl with a screen-printed pillowcase!

We’re excited to share an exclusive stream of it so you can listen to it right now, on repeat:
