Try the Pie at Collective Zine

I mentioned on a recent review of Jess Locke’s LP that I’d been listening to a lot of downbeat, bedroomy recordings lately and I think this one fits in well with that. Try The Pie is the solo work of Bean Tupou who is based in San Jose and is also a member of Crabapple and Sourpatch – neither of whom I’m familiar with and likely sound absolutely nothing like this but I feel like I might want to check out both bands having heard this record now. Bean’s vocals are light and airy and it’s mainly acoustic guitar that accompanies the singing although there are a few background things going on – even the sound of dishes being done at one point. It’s all quite delicate and there are nice harmonies along the way. I like this kind of stuff so am glad it was sent in. I’ve also learnt my first word in Tongan as a result of writing this review and reading the Bandcamp page.
