Antlered Aunt Lord at Immersive Atlanta

Let’s set aside the video for a moment because it really is ancillary to the discussion that needs to be had, which is, namely, if you’re any sort of fan of oddball garage pop, you’re doing yourself a disservice if you’re not listening to Antlered Aunt Lord, aka Athens artist Jesse Stinnard (also of Tunabunny).… Continue reading Antlered Aunt Lord at Immersive Atlanta

Eureka California at Immersive Atlanta

After reaching a certain degree of popularity, Athens’ rock bands have to grit their teeth in expectation for overblown comparisons to R.E.M. However, there is little precedent in Athens for the crunchy pop of Eureka California. In fact, the only real similarity between the two bands is the surprise factor that either of their sounds… Continue reading Eureka California at Immersive Atlanta