Eureka California at Gold Flake Paint

I’m sure we’ve all had those moments when, amidst the storm of real life, the clouds part above us and fix everything in place, little messy strands that suddenly fall in to place, for even the briefest of periods. ‘Sign My Name With An X‘, the blistering new track from duoEureka California sounds just like… Continue reading Eureka California at Gold Flake Paint

Eureka California at Wondering Sound

In the video for “Happy Again,” the two members of Athens band Eureka California — Jake Ward and Marie A. Uhler — inspect ham at a supermarket, walk Stand by Me-style down a set of train tracks, climb up a jungle gym and make shadow puppets against a tin wall. It’s light and carefree stuff,… Continue reading Eureka California at Wondering Sound

Eureka California / Black Watch / Primitives at The POP! Stereo

18) The Black Watch – Sugarplum Fairy, Sugarplum Fairy These guys have been kicking around forever.  They’ve never really gotten the respect they deserve but over the course of their career have been fairly consistent when it comes to producing very good pseudo-noise pop with an 80’s British pop feel. Sugarplum Fairy, Sugarplum Fairy is… Continue reading Eureka California / Black Watch / Primitives at The POP! Stereo

Muuy Biien and Eureka California at Flagpole

2014 was the year Eureka California made the shift from “the band that could” to “the band that did.” With little fanfare and almost zero downtown club presence, the group quietly released a true kicker of an LP, toured the UK and steadily increased its stateside audience without jockeying for the ever-shifting hometown spotlight. The… Continue reading Muuy Biien and Eureka California at Flagpole

Eureka California at Scene Point Blank

When I hear the phrase “indie rock,” I think of about 4-5 things: Pavement, The Pixies, maybeWeezer, glasses, skinny guys, and bizarre instrumentation or time signatures. Some of that (queue the ‘90s references there) is due to my age, as the former part of that description is a bit more rock oriented than the latter.… Continue reading Eureka California at Scene Point Blank

Eureka California at Lost in the Cloud

Also among the great garage and punk rock records released this year, Eureka California’s Crunch distinguishes itself with a shelling of persistently energetic, witty and hook-laden gems.  As singer/guitarist Jake Ward confesses in the track of the same name, ‘You put your hand to the pencil and the pencil to the pad, never has anything… Continue reading Eureka California at Lost in the Cloud