Hailing from Gothenburg, Sweden, Animal Daydream are a duo offering songs that are reminiscent of later Teenage Fanclub and Fleet Foxes, but also borrow liberally from the sound of ’70s soft rock, particularly Fleetwood Mac and CSNY, with their strong vocal harmonies and overall smooth, almost slick production. New EP, Citrus is released at the end of… Continue reading Animal Daydream at Mad Mackerel
Tag: citrus
Animal Daydream at With Guitars
Click through for the single announcement! [Link]
Animal Daydream at Beehive Candy
‘Citrus’ has that classic jangly guitar sound that I associate so often with indie pop, however the vocals and harmonies really do take it into the realms of 1970’s soft rock. The overall effect is something quite timeless, so that the name checked references above really do hold water. [Link]
Animal Daydream at Austin Town Hall
Having talked about Animal Daydream last year, it only makes sense that I give some love to their new single, “Citrus.” Well, that and it’s just a really great track looking back to a pure era in American songwriting…though the group hails from Sweden. Imagine finding yourself in Haight-Ashbury, slowly indulging in really warm harmonies… Continue reading Animal Daydream at Austin Town Hall