Every weekday, DIY’s new music know-it-all Neu brings you one essential new release to get obsessed with. Today’s Neu Pick comes from Witching Waves. Sugar-to-the-veins power-pop it may appear to be on first dip, but on new album ‘Crystal Cafe’, there’s a head behind Witching Waves’ instant rushes to the heart. Whether it’s lyrically dismantling… Continue reading Witching Waves at DIY Mag
Tag: diy mag
Frog at DIY Mag
‘Kind of Blah’ isn’t a title that does the debut full-length by duo Frog any justice. How could any album recorded in a disused bowling alley – situated under a cafe, mind you – be “kind of blah”? Lead single ‘Judy Garland’ isn’t doing any favours for mediocrity either. With a heehaw Cowboy croon and… Continue reading Frog at DIY Mag