Lunchbox at Fear and Loathing

Seattle’s Jigsaw Records has begun an onslaught of catchy and idiosyncratic 7″ vinyl and full-length releases. I just got hip to their stylish and wayward celebration of independent music. With an ethos similar to early indie upstarts Beserkley and Stiff Records, the label is crossing boundaries while bringing back focus and fun to the scattered… Continue reading Lunchbox at Fear and Loathing

Lunchbox at Big Takeover

Singer/guitarist Tim Brown and bassistDonna McKean have been perfecting their sugary rock recipe as Lunchbox on and off for over 15 years now. Last year, the duo released Lunchbox Loves You to renewed acclaim. Their latest is a six song appetizer of even stickier, rot-your-teeth-out power pop. Dubbed the Smash Hits EP, the duo’s candy… Continue reading Lunchbox at Big Takeover

Bob Collins and the Full Nelson at Indiepop Love

The Dentist’s were a legendary band back in the 80s with their sweet pop sound harking back to the 1960s and carrying a slightly psychedelic vibe. Bob Collins frontman for the Dentists and numerous other projects the last few years has finally come out with a Solo Album. Some of the songs feature Collins with… Continue reading Bob Collins and the Full Nelson at Indiepop Love

Bob Collins and the Full Nelson at Austin Town Hall

It’s been a really great resurgence month for The Dentists, with two of the band’s songwriters unleashing new tunes/albums. First there was Treasures of Mexico, and now we’ve got Bob Collins and the Full Nelson.  He’s releasing his new record, Telescopic Victory Kiss, and though slightly different, it hits as beautifully as one would expect.… Continue reading Bob Collins and the Full Nelson at Austin Town Hall