Antlered Aunt Lord is entirely Jesse Stinnard, a guy who’s spent the past ten years in Athens, Georgia as a cherished eccentric in a town known for its cherished eccentricities. His first official release is Ostensibly Formerly Stunted (and on fire), and is out on the 30th November and features members of Tunabunny. Melodic, lyrically inventive, reticent,… Continue reading Antlered Aunt Lord at Mad Mackerel
Tag: HHBTM Records
Marshmallow Coast at Stereo Embers
I’ve had to quit asking. Such has been the abundance of extraordinary music crossing my desk from heretofore unheard-of (at last my me, and here I thought I was pretty aware of the lesser-known corners) that I just can’t ask inside my head as still another modest but exquisite gem of an album makes my… Continue reading Marshmallow Coast at Stereo Embers
Antlered Aunt Lord at Magnet
Antlered Aunt Lord hails from Athens, Ga., and is preparing for the release of new LP Ostensibly Formerly Stunted (And On Fire) on November 20. Today, MAGNET’s got a free download of dynamic track “Hi Beam Hi Priest (Blinker Fluid),” a song that starts out as a muted electronic head bobber and explodes into full-on fuzz… Continue reading Antlered Aunt Lord at Magnet
Antlered Aunt Lord at Austin Town Hall
At a certain point in your life you begin to realize you like to beat your own drum, follow your own path. This is precisely what it feels like when listening to Antlered Aunt Lord, the project of Jesse Stinnard. I don’t mean that it’s completely oddball, but rather that Stinnard just wants to do… Continue reading Antlered Aunt Lord at Austin Town Hall
Antlered Aunt Lord at Flagpole
Antlered Aunt Lord, the slow-simmering local garage-pop project led by songwriter Jesse Stinnard (also of Tunabunny fame), is all set to release its Ostensibly Formerly Stunted (and on fire) LP Nov. 20 via HHBTM. Today, we’re tickled pink to provide y’all with a first taste of the LP via the video for “The Beezwax,” the record’s fuzz-forward, steadfastly… Continue reading Antlered Aunt Lord at Flagpole
Bunnygrunt at Maximum Rock and Roll
Even though the title, cover artwork, and the first few seconds of each side are pretty clever jabs at Black Sabbath, this group doesn’t appear to be the slightly hilarious stoners blaring tired-ass doom I expected, and I am super thankful for that. Instead we have some super basement pop that is slightly jangly at… Continue reading Bunnygrunt at Maximum Rock and Roll
Try the Pie at Collective Zine
I mentioned on a recent review of Jess Locke’s LP that I’d been listening to a lot of downbeat, bedroomy recordings lately and I think this one fits in well with that. Try The Pie is the solo work of Bean Tupou who is based in San Jose and is also a member of Crabapple… Continue reading Try the Pie at Collective Zine
Try the Pie at Impose
It’s probably because I’ve spent most of my life writing that it’s only now, as I’m in a band, that I’m feeling the effects of reception. When you write 90-page screenplays, it is both fortunate and unfortunate, that few, if any, people end up reading them. I’ve never had to worry about authenticity or selling… Continue reading Try the Pie at Impose
Try the Pie at Magnet
Try The Pie’s sound is like a lazy early morning—it’s uplifting but peaceful. The new song from San Jose songwriter Bean Tupou is called “Alu A,” and it drifts along a river of beautiful weaving vocals and a barren acoustic strum. The track comes from her the upcoming Rest, which will be released November 20. Download… Continue reading Try the Pie at Magnet
HHBTM Records Label Profile at Innocent Words
Mike Turner never actually intended to start his own record label; it just sort of happened. Years later, he never intended to start his own music publicity firm. That just sort of happened as well. But 16 years after the first Happy Happy Birthday to Me Records (HHBTM) release, he has one of the Southeast’s… Continue reading HHBTM Records Label Profile at Innocent Words